Pipefitting & Welding


High-quality Work

Held to standards by certified inspectors, we perform high-quality pipefitting and welding in the safest possible manner.

Thompson’s Quality program complies with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and National Board Inspection Code (NBIC).

Delivered Safely & On Time

The Thompson work ethic and commitment to quality ensures that you receive the product you expect, delivered safely and on time, every time.

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We offer pipefitting and welding services utilizing experienced, trained and certified supervisors and craftspeople.

We are experts in:

  GTAW “Tig”

  FCAW “Flux Core MIG Welding”

  SMAW “Stick”


Our capabilities include:

 All Process Piping



 Potable Water

 Underground Utilities

 Steam Piping

Take The Next Step

Put our expertise
and experience to work for you.

Reach out to one of our experts today. 

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